Eclipse de Stephenie Meyer
I don’t know why you’re making
Charlie carry notes to Billy like
we’re in second grade — if I wanted
to talk to you I would answer the
You made the choice here, okay?
You can’t have it both ways when
What part of ‘mortal enemies’ is too
complicated for you to
Look, I know I’m being a jerk, but
there’s just no way around
We can’t be friends when you’re
spending all your time with a bunch of
It just makes it worse when I
think about you too much, so don’t
write anymoreYeah, I miss you, too. A lot.
Doesn’t change anything. Sorry.
JacobI ran my fingers across the page, feeling the dents where he
had pressed the pen to the paper so hard that it had nearly
broken through. I could picture him writing this —
scrawling the angry letters in his rough handwriting,
slashing through line after line when the words came out
wrong, maybe even snapping the pen in his too-big hand;
that would explain the ink splatters. I could imagine the
frustration pulling his black eyebrows together and crumpling
his forehead. If I’d been there, I might have laughed.
Don’t give yourself a brain hemorrhage, Jacob, I would have
told him. Just spit it out.
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Bienvenue ici,
un certain nombre de posts sont actuellement hors ligne. Ce blog a plus de 20 ans maintenant et, au fil du temps, des liens se sont cassés, des images hébergées ailleurs ont disparu, le grand Internet a bougé, ma vie aussi, et en plus, je suis devenue correctrice entretemps. C'est dire si, aujourd'hui, ce blog a besoin d'un grand nettoyage de printemps.
Même si je ne poste plus autant qu'avant, c'est un lieu précieux pour moi.
En septembre 2024, j'ai refait la déco. Viendra ensuite la mise à jour du contenu. Un travail long et fastidieux puisque j'ai accumulé près de 2800 posts. Je donnerai la priorité aux avis, puis le reste suivra petit à petit.
Bonne visite !
Bouilloire's books
À propos de moi
Qui : Heidi (博蒂)
Contact : bouilloire[at]gmail[dot]com
Bloggercode : B9 d t+ k s++ u-- f i- o+ x+ e l c-
En manque d'idées pour un cadeau ?
Jacob Black is enraged by the fact that Bella will become a vampire after graduation, which is only a few weeks away.
[url=]Jacob has DARK RUSSET skin,[/url] black hair and dark eyes.